Міжнародний семінар в рамках проєкту "SOMPATY: Spectral Optimization: From Mathematics to Physics and Advanced TechnologY"

Constructive methods for solving nonlocal boundary value problems for integro-differential equations

by Prof. Anar Assanova (Institute of Mathematics and Mathematical Modeling, Almaty, Kazakhstan)

https://zoom.us/j/91749209940?pwd=N2VZYUdFcm1ZdmhkTlkrK2tnVGEwZz09 (ONLINE)




 Abstract: This talk is devoted to boundary value problems for Fredholm integro-differential equations  and constructive methods for solving them. We will discuss the effectiveness of the Dzhumabaev parametrization method for solving nonlocal boundary value problems.  We consider the questions on existence and uniqueness of solutions to boundary value problems for hyperbolic Fredholm integro-differential equations. We also present our recent research results on boundary value problems for  Fredholm integro-differential equations and numerical and approximate methods for solving boundary value problems with parameter.  We report  some results of boundary value problems for  parabolic Fredholm integro-differential equations

Organised by

Prof. Dr. Carsten Trunk (Technische Universität Ilmenau, Germany)

Andrii Shydlich