Топологічний семінар Інституту математики НАН України

Normal subgroups of iterated wreath products of symmetric groups and alternating with symmetric groups

by Руслан Скуратовський

https://bbb.imath.kiev.ua/b/boh-0lk-tl9-vjx (ONLINE)




The lattice of normal subgroups and their properties for finite iterated wreath products $S_{n_1}\wr \ldots \wr S_{n_m}$, $n, m \in \mathbb{N}$ are found. Special classes of normal subgroups and their orders and generators are found. 

Special classes of normal subgroups are investigated and their generators are found and presented in the form of Kaloujnine
tables.Inverse limit of wreath product of permutation groups is found. One of the modern brunches of group theory researches is a study of isometry of geometry structures as graph trees and of combinatorial-topological structures. In many cases it is related with studying of groups of automorphisms and normal structures of these groups.