Міжнародний семінар в рамках проєкту "SOMPATY: Spectral Optimization: From Mathematics to Physics and Advanced TechnologY"

A description of m-dissipative boundary conditions for Maxwell operators and its electrodynamics applications

by Dr Ilia Karabash (TU Dortmund, Germany, and IAMM of NAS of Ukraine)

https://zoom.us/j/91749209940?pwd=N2VZYUdFcm1ZdmhkTlkrK2tnVGEwZz09 (ONLINE)




Motivated by modeling of leaky optical cavities, we give a description of all m-dissipative boundary conditions for Maxwell operators in Lipschitz domains.
If time allow us, it is planned to show applications of this description to Leontovich boundary conditions and to the cases of degenerate and random impedance coefficients.
The talk is based on a joint research with Matthias Eller.

Organised by

Prof. Dr. Carsten Trunk (Technische Universität Ilmenau, Germany)

Andrii Shydlich